Images of Seoul > Historical Sites > Teok-su-gung

Teok-su-gung (teoksukung)

Teok-su Palace is also in downtown Seoul, next to City Hall, about 1.25 kilometers to the south and west of Kyeong-bok-kung. When you enter, you will see the statue of King Sejong, who invented Han-gul, the Korean writing system. The Royal Museum is also located on the Teok-su-gung grounds. Admission to Teok-su-gung is 700 won; the palace is closed on Mondays.

Statue of King Sejong at Teoksugung Royal Museum at Teoksugung
Teoksugung Grounds Teoksugung Grounds
Teoksugung Grounds Wooden cart at Teoksugung
Metalwork on post Stairway animal at Teoksugung
 Historical Sites